Fastest way to setup a blog for your Laravel-project
Ever launched a project and immediately realized that you need a blog or article section to reach out to new visitors or share in social media?
Instead of setting up your custom models, routes and database tables, why not just use a plug and play solution?
Just released is Ampersand, a quick and easy solution for setting up a complete flat file blog-system for your project.
Just install with composer install olssonm/ampersand
and then publish the configuration; php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Olssonm\Ampersand\AmpersandServiceProvider"
Create your first post with php artisan ampersand:new
and select a title. You are now ready to start writing!
Your post will then be available at http://yoursite.test/blog/{slug}. Most aspects of the package are customizable, for example if you want your posts available at http://yoursite.test/articles instead, it’s a matter of a simple configuration change.
Posts are written in markdown of course, and you can add your own variables/attributes via YAML Front Matter.
Check out to check out the documentation and complete feature set.
Happy writing!